Wednesday, February 9, 2011

All My Children 2/8/11

Siblings before Bariatric Surgery
     What a sap Jake is. So, Cara "finally" told him the "truth" about why she "really" left him. Apparently, a drug cartel lord died on her operating table back in the day when she and Jake worked side-by-side, husband and wife in the warzone, thereby causing a worried Cara to push her husband away. She said she needed to do this so the "muscle" behind the deceased drug lord wouldn't think to go after her recently-wedded husband. She did this, making Jake think she had run off with a lover (which, we later discovered was actually Griffin). This is a bit dramatic of a story. From all of the drug cartel/mafia movies I have seen, I don't think a woman saying she was suddenly sick of her husband would trick these bad guys. If they were really after her, why didn't they go after her lover/brother?...but, ayway, Jake believed it. I can't help but think I would have been less accepting of such a left-field tale.     
     Jack finally dumped Erica (he is off to Crystal's for a late-night meal, blech!). Like mother, like daughter, Erica just does not keep her nose clean. Jack was angered and pushed to his final straw when he realized Erica contacted the governor to review a suddenly healthy David's case and perhaps, grant him clemency. The mad doctor deserves it, after all; he did just save a heart patient via telephone. C'mon, people! You can't just forget all of the despicable things this man has done to the entire town! And, really, how did he go from almost being shoved off the hospital building's roof helpless and ill to walking around lickity-split like he hadn't just spent months in a coma with a gun shot wound?
     Poor Amanda interrupted the deep moment between Jake and Cara and we saw that the poor dame is ill. Her voice was raspy and she looked a little peeked under that thick layer of makeup. She had to swap spit with Jake...I wonder if the actor was regretting that.

1 comment:

  1. I love your review...just found your blog. I totally agree about Caras story being just that..a story! It really irks me that they think we are stupid enough to think Jake actually believed it..
    Did you catch Oprah today too? It was fun seeing Tad, Jessie, Angie, Erica and all 10 of her ex husbands...of course we are suppose to believe that David is up walking around like nothing happened..didn't Jessie come back from the dead? lol
