Thursday, February 10, 2011

All My Children 2/9/11

"Yes, my roots are coming in. I'm pregnant, okay?"
     Valentine's Day is "tomorrow" in Pine Valley and a wedding is a-foot. Greenlee was set on postponing her long-awaited day in order to have her BFF, Kendall, attend. But, Kendall told her and Ryan, "You have our blessing to go ahead for tomorrow. Mine and Zach's." Zach was rolling around in the afterlife (or on some deserted island) shouting, "Not without me, you don't!"...Okay, that last part is only a guess.     
     With some fast thinking on his part, Asher saved the day. He received a text message from "Colby" (really, it was written by psychotic Annie), saying she was in New York with her dad. Aha! A wonderful slip as Colby was supposed to see her father in Chi-town. Way to listen to details, Asher. Asher found a handcuffed drugged Colby in the Chandler cottage and promptly telephoned JR. I was relieved JR didn't cut him off and say, "I'm busy, Asher. This can wait until next week." Is it just me, or did really dramatic moments (such as a kidnapping) used to last more than two days? This kidnapping saga could have been drawn out if the writers of "All My Children" really wanted to. But, then they probably would have dragged it out like they did when Aidan had kidnapped Kendall for a month. That was really painful wasn't it?
     Annie had borrowed JR's car and was the responsible party (or irresponsible!) for slamming into Kendall's ambulance on her way for emergency heart surgery. So, rather than the police running to JR's residence to bring him down for hit-and-run questioning, Tad did the duty. Well, he just went to JR's mansion and said, "The cops traced the car to you." He didn't do the police station thing. Gotta love how crooked the Pine Valley Police Department is. And when Tad asked JR if he was turning Annie in for the hit-and-run, JR told him he was hoping she'd commit herself to a psychiatric hospital. Ooh, this sounds juicy. Can't wait to see the blow-up that happens when Annie catches onto JR's knowing she kidnapped his baby half-sister. Maybe it will delay Greenlee and Ryan's wedding.

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