Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tad and Cara

     Now here's a thought:  Tad and Cara as a couple...Do you like it? I think it makes more sense chemistrywise than she with Jake. Also, Jake and Amanda are the most PDA couple on "All My Children", so I find the writers of the show hard-pressed to pull these two apart. Anyway, when I saw Friday's episode where Tad and Cara were bantering back and forth in their PI-pretendin' ways, I found this couple a plausible idea.
     I'm just sayin'.


  1. Oh, I thought about the Tad- cara scenario. I think shes to good looking or tall for Jake. I, not sure which I just dont picture them together.

  2. but I think Tad and Cara have more of a brother- sister thing. I mean shes flirtatious with everyone- even her real brother so you cant really tell

  3. maybe hook her up with the creepy priest guy so he'll back off Kendal so she can hook up with Caras brother...
