"What? Is this your kid, or mine?" |
Basically, let's look at the obsurdity of a doctor being sent to live as a nurse in a patient's house as Griffin connived his sister, Cara, into doing for Kendall. Because of Kendall's many hospital stays, apparently she has earned herself a live-in doctor...and she was sorta forced into it as he wouldn't let her check out of the hospital unless she agreed to this arrangement.
Amanda is paranoid as ever about Cara hanging around. And she should be as Cara keeps staring at Baby Trevor and daydreaming about her own romantic past with ex-husband, Jake. On a side note, Kendall went into one of her sons' rooms to see some surprise he had for her and in leaving the room, she asked Cara look after Trevor. The baby was lying in a pack and play. If Amanda is in the other room getting her purse, then I am sure Trevor will not get into much trouble in the short time span it will take for her to return. Mothers and daycare workers do it all the time. If there were any hazards with a pack and play, then I am sure Graco would have had a recall on their hands. I know potatoes, puh-tot-toes!
So,Tad has told Damon not to devulge details on who exactly he slept with. And, in turn, Tad has asked Colby why does she care who Damon cheated with? Um, well, Tad, because how do I know the skank is gone, and how do I know it wasn't this lady at Crystal's Restaurant, or maybe my best friend from boarding school? Why wouldn't she want to know? As the victim of adultery, she she be given the facts; not just Damon admitting he had sex with some other chick. Tad is in the doghouse with this one, I'm afraid. He also made Liza feel bad--real bad--about her sleeping with his son, Damon. Whateva, Tad! You ever cheat on somebody? Yeah, thought so. Don't cast any stones, pal.
So why would Kendall leave the baby with cara knowing that that would make Amanda uncomfortable with the 'other' woman watching her child. Fast forward to today 2/8/11 and trevor is a toddler- what a growth spurt!