Monday, January 10, 2011

All My Childen 1/10/11

Should I burn it or wash it?
     Okay, I was wrong. "All My Children" beefed up the writing and it resulted in Damon and Liza rockin' the casbaugh. I could see Damon's motive for doing this:  he was upset and he had just caught his girlfriend kissing on the guy who had kissed her previously. But, Liza? What was she thinking? Was there ever a spark of sexual chemistry between the two?! Ugh, ugh, ugh. No! This scene should have stopped at the kiss and then later down the road, we could have seen this pair hook it up...This was just too soon. And Damon running into Tad at the infamous park. (This is the most popular park in Pine Valley. I couldn't tell you the last time I ran into someone I know at the local park.)...Damon told Tad at first that he had slept with someone other than Colby and Tad just kinda smirked and said something about how young people today have complicated lives. What?! Okay, that's a good way to excuse cheating. Then, when Damon came "even cleaner" to Tad and told him Liza was the one he had slept with, Tad told him to keep it a secret. The same thing had happened to Liza when she was young (Tad had slept with her mother, Marian), and he knew it had screwed her up, so it was better to keep this secret from Colby. I am happy the writers didn't just blurt this secret out to anybody in addition to Tad. Let's keep a juicy storyline going, people.
     Madison ran into Greenlee (again) at the hospital and gave her the idea of putting the blame of her impregnation on someone else. Interesting, as this will be just what Scott Chandler needs. He gets a job if he says he fathered Madison's baby (conjugal visits, baby!)...   I am beginning to think Scott is the only prisoner at this prison and he frequently roams the visiting room.
     Kendall was greeted with Chinese food from her BFFs, Ryan and Greenlee. I found it amusing that the ladies only took bites of carrot from their professional-wielding Chinese sticks. It's rare to see Kendall eat anything at all. Highlights from this meeting:  Ryan gave Kendall Zach's will; Ryan was surprised with the news that Zach's casino was never sold; and, Kendall offered Madison a work-at-Kendall's-home gig for at least a month. I swear, Madison may be pregnant, but she has all the luck when it comes to job offers.

1 comment:

  1. The writers need to slow down on the stories. OMG liza and Damon was a disgusting storyline...gross! So i hope Ryan doesnt find out about the baby. I hope Greenlee's tactics bite her in the you know what and Ryan leaves her for good...haha Write a better caption- not as funny as in the past
