"Well, this is interesting." |
I liked Liza when she first came on the scene. I liked her until she turned into Robo Attorney At Law. She is like JR in the sense that both show a lovable side (she with her mentoring of Damon as her paralegal and JR in his relationships with people he actually loves), but then they also show a rotten side (she with any defendant and he with Caleb). Anyway, today she and Damon discussed her broken relationship with Colby and Colby reenforced her distrust and distaste for Liza, her mother. Blah blah, boring boring. But, what wasn't boring was the kiss between Colby and Asher. I thought it was strange that she came pouring into the den (or whatever room that is) saying she didn't want to discuss her day with Asher and yet she stayed there with him. She was restless, flinging herself around on an armchair as he sat idly on a nearby ottoman. She asked if the cook (good ol' Lacretia) had prepared anything for lunch--Shouldn't she have gone into the kitchen to get food?! Anyway, the kiss was inevitable. But, what wasn't necessarily in the cards was Damon walking in and catching them in the act at that moment. So, good cliffhanger, "All My Children"!
Erica denied her attraction to Caleb to Bianca, even though Bianca has caught them eyeing each other before today. Bianca has all the time on her hands to monitor this couple as she doesn't ever seem to be working at the Miranda Center.
Annie caught JR lying to her...again. She saw him and Marissa at his 3-month remission checkup (I don't think there are any other doctors in PV except for the ones at the hospital). Why was Annie at the hospital, anyway?
Okay, that's all for now. My 6-year-old son is telling me to get off the computer so he can play on the computer. Later!
Thats funny that your son and you fight for computer usage. I thought Annie followed him to the hospital. Why would a doctor who happens to be a specialist be treating Kendall? Doesnt he have stress tests and consults to do? He isnt a hospitalist he's a cardiologist. Jr shouldnt be lying to Annie. Maybe due to her jealouscies, he doesnt want her to fret. Damon looks like a James Dean kind of guy in the pic